How To Guide to PR

Step 1: Take a self-evaluation.

  1. Is your company vision clearly mapped out for today and for future products and/or services as a context for all company communications?
  2. Have you developed your company’s key messages and defined competitive differentiators?
  3. Are you utilizing a matrix to measure the overall success in communicating the company’s key messages effectively?
  4. Are you getting placements in at least 50% of relevant editorial opportunities?
  5. Are you generating one proactive pitch campaign per month?
  6. Are you making an average of 2-3 announcements per month?
  7. Have you written at least two by-lined articles?
  8. Have you produced third-party endorsements, customer testimonials, and success studies?
  9. Have all critical elements for your press kit been developed and or updated?
  10. Have you met with five industry analysts?
  11. Have you attended five relevant networking opportunities?
  12. Have you taken advantage of at least two speaking opportunities?
  13. Have you gone on a media tour to introduce your new products/services and company vision to key trade press?
  14. Have you spent an entire day tailoring key messages for each unique audience?
  15. Have you conducted a perception study to understand how your key constituents perceive your company?

Step 2: Consider the costs for your communications program.

  • Total company sales/cash flow?
  • %of your sales/cash flow spent on marketing?
  • % of your sales/cash flow spent on media relations?
  • %of your sales/cash flow spent on analyst relations?
  • % of your sales/cash flow spent on a media tour?

Step 3: Call or email us to receive descriptions on any of these a la carte services.

  • Analyst Relations
  • Awards Program
  • Bylined Articles
  • Editorial Calendar Creation
  • Industry Analyst Tour
  • Media Outreach
  • Media
  • Tour
  • Messaging Workshops
  • Networking Events
  • Perception Study
  • Press Kit Creation
  • Press Release
  • Proactive
  • Pitches
  • Speaking Opportunities