How to Guide to IR

  1. Have you formalized a disclosure policy for communications with IR audiences?
  2. Do you know what your existing and potential callers want to hear on your quarterly earnings call?
  3. Have you met with five new investments analysts?
  4. Have you attended five relevant networking opportunities?
  5. Have you met with the appropriate institutional investors to ensure a stable shareholder base?
  6. Have sell-side analysts heard your message and initiated coverage of your company?
  7. Have you spent the time to tailor key messages for each audience?
  8. Have you conducted a perception study to understand how your key constituents perceive your company?
  9. Have you created an investor presentation that captures the key messages that resonate with investors?
  10. Have you hosted a Financial Analyst Day to introduce your company to new investors?

Step 2: Consider the costs for your communications program.

  • Total company sales/cash flow?
  • % of your sales/cash flow spent on analyst relations?
  • % of your sales/cash flow spent on investor relations?
  • % of your sales/cash flow spent on outreach?
  • % of your sales/cash flow spent on a financial media tour?

Step 3: Call or email us to receive descriptions on any of these a la carte services.

  • Buy-side Targeting
  • Earnings Conference Calls
  • Financial Analyst Day Financial
  • Analyst Tour
  • Intensive Messaging Workshop
  • Investor Presentation Review
  • Investor Relations Counse
  • Networking Events
  • Messaging Workshops
  • Perception Study
  • Retail Investor Targeting
  • Sell-side Cultivation
  • Strategy & Planning
  • IR Web casts